Henry Santos Flores Zúñiga

Dr. Henry Flores is a skilled Bolivian Medical Surgeon with a passion for promoting intercultural health and improving healthcare systems. Based in La Paz, Provincia Murillo, he holds a diverse range of qualifications, including a Master's in International Public Health from Madrid, Spain. With extensive experience in the healthcare field, Henry has served in various roles, such as a Medical Officer at Hospital Patacamaya, contributing to the implementation of culturally adapted delivery rooms and pioneering the integration of traditional midwives into the modern healthcare system at the hospital of Patacamaya. He also served as the Municipal Secretary of Health at the Government Autonomous Municipality of El Alto and held key positions in different health facilities and departments, showcasing his dedication to healthcare management and quality improvement.

Dr. Flores' experience in bridging the gap between conventional medical practices and traditional wisdom will offer invaluable insights. Through his guidance, our organization can further strengthen the integration of traditional healing methods with modern medicine, promoting holistic and patient-centric care for all.

How One Bolivian Hospital Is Battling Maternal Mortality—By Reaching Back Thousands of Years