Professor John Jensen, MA

John G. Jensen is a Professor of Ceramics and Sculpture at Georgia Southern University - Armstrong Campus in Savannah, GA. He specializes in creating figurative ceramic sculptures and wheel-thrown art pottery. John was born in Tomahawk, WI, and is one of seven children. He graduated from the University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point with the Chancellor’s Award for Excellence. He earned a Master of Fine Arts from the University of Arizona in Tucson, AZ, where he was awarded the Gregson Award for Outstanding Artistic Achievement and the Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant of the Year Award.

At GSU-Armstrong Campus, John has received the Dean H. Propst Award, given annually to an outstanding faculty member, and the Kristina Brockmeier Award, presented annually for outstanding contributions to the university. He has also been honored with the Armstrong Scholar’s Award, selected by the National Council for the Education of the Ceramics Arts in their Emerging Artist Program, and has been featured in numerous newspaper and magazine articles. Furthermore, he has been selected as a visiting artist to universities abroad, including Colombia, South America; Batumi, the Republic Of Georgia; and recently, he returned from a two-week visit to Seoul, South Korea, where he served as a visiting artist at two universities.

John is the author of Ceramic Sculpture: The World of Jensen and is married to Linda Jensen, an art professor, artist, and mother. They have two children and reside on the Isle of Hope in Savannah, GA