René Cabezas

Rene is a Certified Professional Agronomist from Bolivia, graduated from the Universidad Mayor de San Simón, Faculty of Agricultural, Livestock, and Forestry Sciences, Cochabamba, Bolivia. After his graduation, he worked as an Assistant Professor in the same faculty from 2012 to 2015. Subsequently, he founded the Instituto de Investigación e Innovación Tecnológica en Agricultura Moderna (IIITAM - Institute for Research and Technological Innovation in Modern Agriculture - Protected Agriculture). This institute offers training in crop production using innovative farming techniques, including hydroponics.

René Cabezas is also the founder of HB Enterprise, a company that has partnered with a supermarket chain in Cochabamba, Bolivia, to sell hydroponic crops. He is currently overseeing and directing the establishment of Guatemala's first agricultural school dedicated to sustainable farming methods.